Uterine Fibroids

February 14, 2020 by admin0

Uterine Fibroids are benign lumps that grow on the uterus. They are non-cancerous .They are usually asymptomatic, but can cause a number of clinical symptoms, such as,

o Abnormal uterine bleeding especially heavy menstrual flow,

o Infertility,

o Recurrent pregnancy loss,

o Cramping lower abdominal pains,

o Pain during sexual intercourse

o An urge to urinate frequently and

o other symptoms caused by compression of the fibroids on adjacent organs.

Diagnosing Uterine Fibroids:

Ultrasound is the most common method, but a diagnostic MRI or hysteroscopy may be necessary if surgery is being considered. A gynaecologist may choose 'watchful waiting' rather than early therapy if the patient's fibroid symptoms are mild or non-existent. However, this may change if a fibroid is found to be the root cause of infertility or repeated miscarriages. When symptoms manifest, therapeutic options for fibroids should be considered. Whether hormone therapy or surgery is the best course of action will largely be determined by how severe the symptoms are and the number and location of the fibroids. Medical treatment is typically the first line of defence for irregular uterine bleeding. When, alternative treatments have failed, surgery may be tried first.

Surgical Choices

Depending on the size, quantity, and position of the fibroids, as well as the existence or absence of associated intra-abdominal issues, a variety of surgical treatments are available, including an abdominal approach (laparoscopy or open procedure), embolization of the feeding blood vessels or hysteroscopic removal of the fibroid. The gynaecologist will advise you and assist you choose the best course of treatment.

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